Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are made and entered into by and between the (“Company”) (“Shasha”) and (“Client”) (“Advertiser”) to display the client's advertising materials (“Advertisement”). This service is provided to the Client under the terms and conditions below and any updates or amendments will be published from time to time by Shasha on its website.  

Shasha’s Obligations:

  1. Commit to show the agreed advertisement on screens at the agreed times and locations.
  2. Compensate the client with the double downtime, in case of a power outage, natural disasters, catastrophes, malls closures, or other reasons (detailed in compensation clause)
  3. Maintain the client's provided information (detailed in the Privacy Policy)

Client's   Obligations:

  1. comply with all the terms and conditions herein that might amend from time to time and published on Shasha’s Website and shall be effective on the date of publication thereof.  The client is responsible for checking these Terms and Conditions periodically to remain updated and in compliance with these terms. Client’s use of the account after any amendment to the Terms and Conditions shall constitute acceptance by the Client of the amended Terms and Conditions.
  2. The client must abide by the customs and traditions and laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Islamic rules, and shall not exceed the limits, including but not limited to religious, ethnic, political, or sexual. The client agrees to remove the advertisement immediately in any event of a violation. 
  3. Agree to change the advertisement within 24 hours in case required for reasons other than the ones mentioned in # 2.
  4. Payment on the agreed timings. Shasha has the right to stop the advertisement if the client fails to pay on the agreed time. Shasha can also return on the customer for any given discount that was based on a long-term plan that the client doesn’t commit to and charge the client on the base price. 
  5. Upload the advertisement on Shasha’s Website before the date of the advertisement for a period not less than two days. The files should comply with the specifications provided by Shasha on the platform. The client alone will be responsible if the advertisement delayed to be presented for this reason. 
  6. Provide the right and updated information and data as required, with full acknowledgment of its validity with keeping updating it as needed. 
  7. Acknowledgment of getting any required licenses and needed approvals that related to the content or any offers or discounts and the customer is fully liable for any missed or incorrect information.
  8. Obliged to use the logo, pictures, and content Intellectual Property belongs to the client, and use client owned images and phrases. In case that the images or advertisement is not the property of the client, Shasha is not responsible for this violation event from the client. 

Compensation / Return Policy

Shasha will compensate the client with double the downtime, in case the advertisement not shown on the agreed time and location. Following cases are exempted:
  1. The delay in uploading the advertising material (Advertisement) as per the stated requirement and deadline.
  2. The failure of submitting the required documents or in case of space owner, or governmental or local authority ask Shasha to remove it.
However, in both cases, the client still has the right to ask for the remaining money back.  

General Rules:

  1. All terms and conditions are under the current or future laws and regulations of Saudi Arabia.
  2. If it was proven invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable to any of the terms and conditions, that does not affect, or in any way prejudice, the validity and legality of the rest of the terms and conditions and their applicability.
  3. Shasha is allowed to modify terms and conditions from time to time, and these changes will be published on the website and existing customers will be informed, and these changes will be binding from the date of publishing. Using the platform after any change indicates that the user agrees on the new terms and conditions. 
  4. The Arabic language is the official language of this document and if there are any conflicts between the Arabic and English terms, the Arabic one will be implemented. 

Privacy Policy :

  1. The company maintains all the information provided by the customer in addition to the information that the system maintains, such as protocols and cookies, and uses the best means and technologies to preserve and protect them.
  2. Shasha is entitled to retain, use, and analyze data for the following purposes:
  • Properly providing the service, monitoring it, and following it up
  • Customer service, support, and assistance
  • Service development and improvement
  • Doing statistics or studies
  • Share offers and any updates or information
  • Marketing campaigns, such as using the customer's logo and advertising materials related to it after displaying it on screens to promote Shasha’s services
  • Legal or security necessities and this includes any official requirements to protect Shasha, its customers, suppliers, or partners.
This shall be done through the company directly or whoever it authorizes on its behalf.       3. Shasha does not keep any information or data related to the accounts or bank cards of customers. We are using a third-party service that uses the best standards of reliability and security in the payment process. To review the security policies used by partners:
  • HyperPay service for payment via bank or credit card:
  • (Efa'a) service for payment via SADAD

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